Wake County Public Schools recently issued the following announcement.
East Wake High School
Daily Announcements – October 1, 2019
UNC-Chapel Hill Representative on campus| A representative from UNC-Chapel Hill will be on
campus October 8th from 11:48 am - 12:13 pm. Only seniors!! Please sign up in student services.
HOSA| Anyone interested in HOSA, last day to pay dues is Oct.11th. Dues must be paid in order to
attend HOSA meetings. Please see Mrs. Bulgin in rm 244 or Mrs. Sanders in rm 247 for an application or
Spanish Honor Society Remind Signup| All Spanish Honor Society members should be signed up to
receive messages through REMIND. Mrs. Weaver has sent the code to all teachers by email. Please ask any
teacher for the code and sign up ASAP.
FCCLA| FCCLA is still accepting membership forms and dues. Dues are $20 and can be paid to Ms.
Williams in room 2537.
Original source: https://www.wcpss.net/domain/1002